As a salesperson, you are in the business of gap analysis. Think about it. Do you ever feel like a "problem detective"?
Your job, somewhat like a police inspector searching for suspects, is to find problems for which your product or service is the ideal solution.
In a way, your product or service is a key. You make calls looking for locks that your key will open. In the prospecting phase, you insert the key and find that it fits.
In the presenting phase, you twist the key and open the lock. In the closing phase, you turn the handle and push the door open.
Use Questions As Sales Tools
Like a verbal detective, the tools of your trade are questions. You use them to get appointments, uncover problems, and discover gaps between where the prospect is now and where the prospect could be by using your product or service.
You then show the prospect how much better his situation could be by owning and enjoying what you are selling.
Clarify the Need
There is an old saying, "No need? No presentation!" Before you begin your presentation, it must be clear to the prospect that there is a distance between where he is and where he could be. The prospect must recognize that he has a need that is unsatisfied or a problem that is unsolved.
The prospect must also feel that the gap between the real and the ideal is large enough to warrant taking action.
Communicate with Confidence
When you listen to Speak on Your Feet you will learn how to become a powerful communicator, and you will learn the secrets of influencing others with your words.
Build Buying Desire
Buying desire is in direct proportion to the intensity of the buyer's need on the one hand, and to the clarity of the solution represented by your product or service on the other.
This process of taking the prospect from cold to lukewarm to hot is accomplished by the skillful use of questions that uncover the gap and then expand it to the point where the customer is ready to take buying action.
Putting these Ideas into Action
Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, ask good questions aimed at uncovering the real need or problem the customer has. Listen attentively to the answers.
Never assume that you know already.
Second, the larger the gap the customer sees between where he is today and where he could be by using your product or service, the greater is his desire to buy.
Show him continually the size of this gap.
Brian Tracy Inspirational
Brian is a professional speaker, trainer, and consultant. He is also the chairman of Brian Tracy International, his training and consulting company. A highly successful entrepreneur, Brian began teaching his success principles through talks and seminars throughout the country in 1981. Today, his books, audio programs, and video seminars have been translated into 35 languages and are used in 52 countries!
Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.
Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined.
We have put together a collection of Brian's useful tips and help on our site to hopefully inspire you to make those changes you need to make!
Brian Tracy- Double Your Take Home In Half The Time
I love this talk!
Brian is one of my favorite mentors.
I remember being 24, dead broke, and searching for "the secret" to growing my business.
I remember being 24, dead broke, and searching for "the secret" to growing my business.
I would head over to Oak Lawn library and take out the Brian Tracy audio-tapes.
If you don't know Brian, you can see more info about him below.
If you don't know Brian, you can see more info about him below.
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If you’re relying on cold-calling, it can be awkward and unproductive.
A new way of looking at cold-calling is not doing it at all. Instead, marketers are warm-calling. Research the prospect before you even pick up the phone so that you can really find a problem they have and offer a solution.
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It Only Takes 6 Steps to Plan Your Success |
by Jim Rohn |
I want this year to be a success for you—a smashing success—and we know that means you need to have a plan, and then methodically work that plan. The combination of materials, your open attitude toward learning and your diligence to follow a plan that is right for you will make this year the kind of success we know you want it to be. So let me challenge you to be no less sincere, no less committed to the advancement of your philosophy, the set of your sail, your plan. |
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Rohn: The Greatest Gift You Can Give Is Self-Improvement
The best contribution I can make to someone else is my own personal development.
If I become 10 times wiser or 10 times stronger, think of what that will do for my adventure as a father... as a business colleague... as a friend.
A Superb Package
For more than 40 years, the legendary Jim Rohn honed his craft like a skilled artist, helping people all over the world sculpt life strategies that expanded their imagination of what is possible.
He possessed the unique ability to bring extraordinary insights to ordinary principles and events.
The text of this anthology is based on transcripts of Jim Rohn’s most popular lectures and writings on the subjects of Time Management, Personal Development, Leadership, Goal Setting and Communication.
The text of this anthology is based on transcripts of Jim Rohn’s most popular lectures and writings on the subjects of Time Management, Personal Development, Leadership, Goal Setting and Communication.
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